Your Ministry – Part 1

What? Where? How?

By Rev. Steven Chriscole KT – Grand Master The Knights Templar Church

What will you do in your service to God and his Kingdom?

Where will you get involved.

How do you know if this is what God wants you to do? How will you go about finding out? How will you be able to get your ministry started?

As you can see, there are a lot of questions that need answering, and the ones above are not all of them!

In this series of articles, we will explore these questions (and more) to try to shed some light on some answers.

For our purposes, I will begin with the basic assumption that we have no idea at all where to start. All we know is that as a Christian and Templar we have a duty to uphold, the most fundamental part of which is the “Great Commission” given to us by Jesus, which is:

Matthew 28:18-20

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

King James Bible

The fundamental part of the scripture above is about teaching everyone the truth that is God, the Son and the Holy Ghost. As you see, this is not a request but a command. It’s not something that should be ignored or ventured into half-heartedly.

The What

Rather than write a huge article, let’s start by just looking at the question “What?”

Let’s breakdown the kind of things we might need to know in the “what” category.

  • What is my calling?
  • What can I offer?
  • What do I do to begin my search for my calling?

We’ll take them in order. Firstly we need to know what is our calling. But what does that actually mean? Simply put, it is that thing which God wishes you to do to be able to do which will fulfill all your duties as a Christian. It will be a specific direction or path in your life that God has set out for each and every one of us, without exception.

At this point you may have no idea what that is and that’s ok providing you have the desire to find out just what God has in store for you. Of course, the concept may seem daunting and perhaps even a little scary, but that comes down to the normal human trait of being jittery about things we do not yet understand. So put your fears to one side as you remember the last part of the scripture I quoted above:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

King James Bible

The Lord is with you. He has your back. He supplies your needs and guides you through the work of the Holy Ghost. So whatever he has in store for you, it will never be anything beyond your ability to do. Yes, maybe right now you have little faith in your own abilities, but rest assured that God has every faith in you, even when you stumble, he is there to hold you and guide you.

So what is your calling? How can you know with any certainty what it is that God wishes for your service to him? I don’t wish to limit God in how he shows that to you. It could be revealed to you in any number of ways. So here is a guide of what I might expect in general terms:


It is vitally important that you begin your search in prayer. Fervently seek God and ask him directly about your calling. Ask him to show you so that you will be in no doubt about what he wants you to do. It could be through the conviction in your own heart about something. Perhaps there’s an issue that you feel particularly drawn to, or maybe you are pricked by something someone said or you have seen.


Always look honestly at yourself to see what skills and abilities you already have. While you might think they are irrelevant to your calling, you might be very surprised to realise that much of the academic or practical skills we learn in our lifetime can aid us in whatever ministry we eventually practice. My own background in computing and writing has provided me with many skills that I currently use in my ministry, such as writing this blog!


Having begun your seeking God for your calling and taken an honest look at yourself (maybe with the help of others) then God will honour your prayers and gradually (or maybe quickly!) you will start to see options and possibilities presented to you. At this point, don’t expect that God will perform miracles here. You need to watch, look and evaluate those idea that come across your path. Once you think that you are starting to get some idea of what your calling might be, then that is the time to seek God more. This time you are asking him to either confirm or reject the ideas that you have gained. It could be about an idea or possibly a person who has recently come into your life. Whatever it might be, ask God to show you in concrete terms if this is of him or just the deception of the enemy.


Do not rush God. I have found that if things are taking some time to be revealed, then the most common reason for that is because you are not ready. You may need training, and that could be a stumbling block, because there could be a number of reasons why training might seem to be impossible. If that’s the case, then don’t worry. We’ve got that covered. In the near future, we can show you how you can get the right training at the best price, from excellent people. All you need is the computer you are currently using.

That then is a brief look at “The What”.

Please remember that we have a responsibility to fulfill and there are few exceptions.

How we live our lives can be seen by those around us. It is they that we must show the love of Christ to, irrespective of what they might say. How we do that will no doubt conflict with the world view of the unsaved. But there can be little criticism of work that we do which shows the love of Christ to others, It is to that which we must strive.

May the Lord bless you in your search.

Go to Part 2

Go to Part 3

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