Church Membership

Notice to all Members of the Knights Templar Church Online

Please be aware that as of this coming December 2022, ALL members of our church will be required to pay a monthly membership subscription fee.


Those who are in receipt of the following are exempt from subscriptions:

  • State Pension
  • State benefits (other)
  • Disability benefit
  • Subsistence level low income
  • Unemployment benefit
Please contact the GM using the Contact Page of this website to discuss your situation.

The reason is this. Just like the original Templars, we can do nothing without resources. They were able to amass huge support from royalty, nobility, landowners and merchants. The Knights Templar were famous for both their fighting skills and their ability to manage money.

We are not they, and I have no aspirations of being rich! However, if we are to remain true to our oaths as Templars and our commitment to the commands of Christ, then we must each play our part, and up until now, that has not been happening.

This church is doing nothing to aid other brothers and sisters at this present time. The recent appeal for one of our brothers fell on deaf ears (with the exception of one member) and this inaction on the part of members to rally to such a small appeal has motivated me to bring action to this church.

Either we ARE Templars, or we are NOT. You each must decide.

To this end, each member will be required to pay a small subscription every month. Those who fail to do so 3 times in the first 6 month period will be removed from membership. This 6 month period is what is known as a “period of grace” in order that those who wish to remain with us have plenty of time to comply (or not).

For more details, see our new “Membership” page in conjunction with the changes made to the “Donations” page.

There is the possibility for special circumstances, and if you feel you fit that category, then you will need to make petition to the General Council – the members of which currently are:

  • GM Rev Steve Chriscole KT (Philippines)
  • Nat CDR Louis Steyn KT (S. Africa)
  • Nat CDR Felix Ochieng Ndiga KT (Kenya)
  • Reg CDR Paul Baker KT (UK)
  • Reg. CDR Forrest Veal (Colorado, US)

You can email the church at or one of the above individually.

Appeals for Funding

You may wonder then, what will be done with your money? Take a look at our new “Appeals” page and find out.

It is our intention to run one appeal at a time, but ask that if there are any needs in your local area that you feel we could address, then send us a written appeal with full details. It will be the job of the General Council to appraise each appeal for suitability.

Your appeals should be more than just for cash. Yes, the cash is needed, but your appeal needs to have some tangible and concrete objectives, which lead to some kind of action.

When you look at our first appeal here, you will see that the money raised will buy Bibles in the local language for a church that has no Bibles for the congregation. This is just one way to help. There are many and will depend of whatever are your local circumstances.

Let us Uphold the Templar Tradition

It’s time to ask yourself “Why did I join this church”? Is it because you just wanted another notch on your sword belt? Or was it because you saw something in us that you saw to be different?

Whatever the reason, it’s now time to put the boots on the ground and make a difference. The original Templars were the special forces of their day. They were renowned for their ability to fight as a TEAM. Their strategy in battle was as a highly co-ordinated (but small) group who rode in fast and got the job done, where others could not.

THAT is how we need to think. Our American friends like the phrase “The tip of the spear”. Well that’s what we need to be.

Let’s see what you’re made of!

Yours in Christ

Rev. Steve Chriscole KT
Grand Master Knights Templar Church

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