Knights Templar Church Soul Centre

Proudly Announcing…

It is simply the providence of God that has led us to this place. We have successfully joined with the Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA) and are now registered with them as a soul centre.

What does this Mean for the Church?

It means that our church now has an official standing as a religious society, duly vetted for:

  • Credentials – the senior pastor/minister/leader has been trained to a suitable level for church leadership
  • The senior pastor/minister/leader is a minister in good standing.
  • Being an active and credible church fellowship with firm mission directives and goals.

It means that our church is now part of a wider network of Christian churches around the world, who all fall under the umbrella of the Christian Leaders Alliance.

It means that our association with CLA and all other members is guided by the same Doctrinal statement of Faith.

Does Anything Change?

Essentially no, nothing changes for us on a day-to-day basis. We do however need to remain in “good standing” with CLA. This responsibility falls to myself as “pastor” because the church is connected to CLA based on my own training, qualifications and personal conduct.

We continue to have the same autonomy as before and there are no obligations to CLA financially or otherwise. But, I must stress that it would be good precedent if we were to make some financial donations to CLA in the future (TBA).

How Does the Church Benefit?

We benefit in credibility. We don’t have any physical base, so it could be said that we just don’t exist! Having the recognition from CLA is a huge step forward in solidifying us as a church entity, albeit on the internet.

Being part of CLA allows for potential members to check us out as they think about joining us. I want us to get away from the “click the join button on Facebook” idea and attract people who truly love the Lord and are wanting to join us in the work for Christ.

This work we do is a serious business, and we want members who are serious about ministering to fellow brethren and strangers alike. As we develop and as time passes, the backing and network that we have joined may develop in ways that we as yet cannot fathom.

To Conclude

Let us thank God for his providence in allowing this association. we can now proudly say that we are indeed a church. We are a “Soul Centre” because our job is to care for souls.

Go to the new page on our website. Take a look around the CLA Soul Centre site and see our listing in their directory.

Deus Vult!

One thought on “Knights Templar Church Soul Centre

  1. Great news for us all and a great achievement. Our Master has worked
    tirelessly for our Order and deserves our respect and gratitude 🙏


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