Templar Character Development Course (Update)

Announcing New Episodes Parts 3 & 4 – “Support & “Prayer”

I’m happy to see that you are taking these instructional videos seriously. They are designed to help ALL Templars (and other Christians) to focus on what it truly means to be “Christian”.

Naturally the content is geared more specifically towards the Templar, and highlights the higher standards that we must aspire to. So please watch and inwardly digest.

You can view all the current episodes from our dedicated page on our website HERE.

If you want to watch the new episodes right now then simply click on the embed below. Be informed. Be better!

Deus Vult!

#3 – Support

Supporting your fellow brethren is of vital importance to the cohesion of your Order. It comes in a variety of forms. Watch the video to see how you need to provide support.

#4 – Prayer

This is a basic look at the “Where, when and how” of prayer

Thanks for watching and may God bless your development as a Christian and Templar.

Rev. Steven Chriscole KT

Senior Cleric Knights Templar Church, Grand Master of KTC Priory.

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