Templar Character Development Course (Update #3)

Announcing New Episodes Parts 7 & 8 – “Composure” and “Communication”

This course is intended as a short lecture series which highlights the characteristics required of ALL Templar Christians. Naturally we expect that ALL Christians would adopt the concepts presented here, but the sad fact is that few actually do.

So these lectures are aimed specifically those Templars who wish to be considered Knights or Dames. These concepts relate directly to our own Code of Conduct (or Rule) and are meant to be educational in assisting potential candidates to identify what is required of them going forward.

We realise that sanctification is a gradual process, and no-one is expected to be transformed overnight. But with prayer, supplication and submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can all learn to be more righteous and Christ-like.

You can view all the current episodes from our dedicated page on our website HERE.

If you want to watch the new episodes right now then simply click on the embed below. Be informed. Be better!

Deus Vult!

#7 – Composure

Are you able to remain calm in difficult situations? This video is not a how to specifically, but more one of pointing you in the right direction. The right direction is of course Christ.

#8 – Communication

How aware are you about how you come across to others? Also, what do we all need to know about the rights and wrongs of inter-personal communication

Thanks for watching and may God bless your development as a Christian and Templar.

Rev. Steven Chriscole KT

Senior Cleric Knights Templar Church, Grand Master of KTC Priory.

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