10 Principles for Ministry #1

Introducing 10 Principles for Ministry This new series of short videos is designed to be of help to all those involved in absolutely ANY Christian ministry. Each one provides a general principle which covers a particular aspect of how we need to be in our approach to ministry and also to ourselves as ministers andContinue reading “10 Principles for Ministry #1”

Appeal Success!

How fantastic is this? The Knights Templar Church’s first appeal success! As Minister/Pastor for the church, I a so proud of our members who have donated to this very worthy cause. You can rest assured that these bibles (in a local language) will be well used by the congregation here in Panay Alliance Church.

Big Changes Afoot

Change #1 The website has been updated today to be clearer about our role as a Knights and Dames training Priory. Please take a look at the page and your comments are welcome. See here: Change #2 The Facebook group entry process has now changed drastically. Instead of placing the entry questions on Facebook itself,Continue reading “Big Changes Afoot”

Gospel of John Sermon Series

The Knights Templar Church is about sharing God’s Word, which means helping everyone to a greater understanding of God through exposition of scripture.

Rev. Steven Chriscole, Grand Master and senior Cleric of the Knight’s Templar Church uploads a sermon every week that is down to earth, straightforward, inspiring and relevant.

Knights Templar Church Soul Centre

It is simply the providence of God that has led us to this place. We have successfully joined with the Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA) and are now registered with them as a soul centre.

New Website Section: The Tyranny that is Globalism

I’ve uploaded the new video from stopworldcontrol.com which is a whistle-blower interview about the evil agendas of the United Nations. It’s best for you to watch the video for yourself, rather than me try to describe it here.

The Battle for Our Children

I wonder if you realise just how important children are? Yes, I know they are important to us individually, but what about as a whole? Did you ever consider the impact that today’s children have on our society tomorrow? Everything that a child experiences in their lives add that little more to their personalities. Every lesson they learn at school and at home collects in their minds and they somehow have to sort it all out for themselves.

Church Membership

The reason is this. Just like the original Templars, we can do nothing without resources. They were able to amass huge support from royalty, nobility, landowners and merchants. The Knights Templar were famous for both their fighting skills and their ability to manage money.

We are not they, and I have no aspirations of being rich! However, if we are to remain true to our oaths as Templars and our commitment to the commands of Christ, then we must each play our part, and up until now, that has not been happening.

Civil Disobedience for Christians

The question I want to look at in this article is a simple one. Is it right (before God) to engage in civil disobedience? We could expand that question to include whether it’s right before God for Christians to engage in warfare. I am going to try to give some answers to the first question which should provide a good measure of an answer to the second.