Big Changes Afoot

Change #1 The website has been updated today to be clearer about our role as a Knights and Dames training Priory. Please take a look at the page and your comments are welcome. See here: Change #2 The Facebook group entry process has now changed drastically. Instead of placing the entry questions on Facebook itself,Continue reading “Big Changes Afoot”

Church Membership

The reason is this. Just like the original Templars, we can do nothing without resources. They were able to amass huge support from royalty, nobility, landowners and merchants. The Knights Templar were famous for both their fighting skills and their ability to manage money.

We are not they, and I have no aspirations of being rich! However, if we are to remain true to our oaths as Templars and our commitment to the commands of Christ, then we must each play our part, and up until now, that has not been happening.