
How You Can Help

There are many ways you can help our church with a monthly subscription or one off donation. Below you will see some of the ways that a one off or regular donation would be of great value to our continued running costs and development.

Scroll down for payment options

Ministry Work

Our intention is to provide funding for specific programs of aid (such as feeding programs) to the destitute in various needy locations around the world. The nature of these activities will invariably be quite varied.

This work will largely be done through the use of appeals for funds, ALL of which will be used DIRECTLY at the point of need. (See Appeals page on this site)


As we are an online church, we have no “bricks and mortar” to pay for. However, we now offer an online “Hall of Knights” section on our website, which provides a permanent record of achievement for all Knights and Dames of Templar Church Online.

Addition to the Hall of Knights is either earned through completion of our Initiates Program, or as an honorary Knight/Dame if this status was achieved prior to it’s inception. (Knighthoods from other Orders will be considered).

General Running Costs

It might seem tedious, but websites do cost money and need funds to maintain. As we grow and our plans come to fruition, we need finances to support training programs and other general software costs, not to mention electricity, tea coffee and biscuits (to sustain us in our hours of need!)

Financial Integrity

Needless to say, we want to provide a righteous image to be congruent with God’s expectations of us. Correct stewardship has always been of great importance to the Templars of old. Our attitude today is simply to operate in accordance with God’s Word on matters of financial dealings.

We aim to make all financial dealings transparent, which means the production of annual financial statements.

It’s Over to You

Whether you are a church member or a visitor, your support is warmly welcomed and received. We’ve kept the choices reasonably low, but you can alter your choice by the number multiplier in each section below.

Membership Subscriptions

Monthly Member Subscription (shown here in Philippine pesos)

While this subscription is not mandatory, we ask that you consider it in terms of a tithe. These funds will be used partially to cover costs (website, postage etc.) but in the main will be used to fund the current Ministry Appeal. (Approx equiv. £3.70; $4.40 US; EU 4.25)



Below are a selection of donation options should you feel able to donate beyond your monthly subscription.

Visitors to the site are also warmly welcome to donate!

Donations (Shown here in Philippine Pesos)

Please donate to our running costs. This donation is in Philippine Pesos and is equivalent to (depending on current exchange rates): $72.00 (US Dollars) £57.00 (UK Pounds Sterling) NOTE: You can multiply your selected donation using the number selector below.


Donations (Shown here in Philippine Pesos)

Please donate to our running costs. This donation is in Philippine Pesos and is equivalent to (depending on current exchange rates): $54.00 (US Dollars) £43.00 (UK Pounds Sterling) NOTE: You can multiply your selected donation using the number selector below.


Donations (shown here in Philippine pesos)

Please donate to our running costs. This donation is in Philippine Pesos and is equivalent to (depending on current exchange rates): $39.00 (US Dollars) £30.00 (UK Pounds Sterling) NOTE: You can multiply your selected donation using the number selector below.


Donation (shown here in Philippine pesos)

Please donate to our running costs. This donation is in Philippine Pesos and is equivalent to (depending on current exchange rates): $19.50 (US Dollars) £15.00 (UK Pounds Sterling) NOTE: You can multiply your selected donation using the number selector below.


Donation (shown here in Philippine pesos)

Please Donate to our running costs This donation is in Philippine Pesos and is equivalent to (depending on current exchange rates): $10.00 (US Dollars) £7.50 (UK Pounds Sterling) NOTE: You can multiply your selected donation using the number selector below.


Donate (shown here in Philippine pesos)

Please donate to our running costs. This donation is in Philippine Pesos and is equivalent to (depending on current exchange rates): $7.00 (US Dollars) £5.00 (UK Pounds Sterling) NOTE: You can multiply your selected donation using the number selector below.


Our Deepest Thanks

We can only continue our work with your support, as donations are our only means of support. Whatever amount you have donated will be put to very good use in the ministries of our church.

I and the brothers and sisters of this church send you our warmest thanks and that God may bless you in your walk with Him.