
Documentaries and Other Instructional Videos

Here you will find videos that provide information which provide us a greater understanding of situations around the world (past and persent) which have a significant impact on us. Our interest is in providing truth (not theories) for the better understanding of the enemy and his works.

Videos from StopWorldControl.Com

The creator of these videos is a dedicated Christian called David Sorensen. Below is a small selection of documentaries he’s created. Follow the link above to see more.

An Interview with a UN Whistleblower (with Riener Fuellmich)

In this ground-breaking interview, the hidden agenda of the United Nations is exposed by Calin Georgescu, a former high ranking UN official who, in this interview by Reiner Fuellmich, gives us the benefit of his many years working within the UN at such a senior level. What he reveals is a devastating exposure of the lies and hypocrisy as well as the truth behind the UN’s agendas for the world. This is a must watch interview.

The State of Israel is not all it seems. In this documentary, the top layer is peeled away to reveal that which is rotten.

This documentary by exposes the reality of the current and ongoing conflict between Israel and HAMAS. All Christians should watch this. The Knights Templar Church fully endorses the content of this documentary, based on our own long term independent research. WARNING: This video contains material which some may find disturbing.