Templar Code

The following code is derived from the original text of the “Rule of the Poor Company of Christ and the Temple of Solomon”

1. Obey the direction of the Master of the Order

2. As Christ laid down His life for you, so you are ready to lay down your life for your brother or sister in Christ.

3. Be prepared to encourage, support, defend and admonish your brothers and sisters in Christ.

4. Engage in silent prayer daily using The Lord’s Prayer as an instructive guide.

5. Whenever the enemies of Christ come against you, stand firm in defense of your brothers and sisters in Christ, your Church and the Word of God.

6. Approach all situations with great forebearance.

7. Maintain composure in all things, not provoking others to anger.

8. No initiate, Knight or Dame of any rank will engage is gossip, backstabbing or idle comment regarding brother of sister.

9. Self promotion, pride, unrecognition of fault and undisciplined behaviour is cause for reprimand. Unrepentance of same will be cause for expulsion by order of the Master.

10. The Initiate will undergo a period of probation, adherence to Rule, undergo training, make public declaration and affirmation of faith in Christ our Lord and loyalty to the Church.

11. Only after successful completion of articles in Rule 10 and assessment by trainer and Master shall an initiate be promoted to the status of Knight or Dame.

12. Only Knight or Dame may be permitted to wear white cloak.

This ends to list of the Knights Templar Church Code of Conduct for initiate, Knight and Dame.

So ordered this day 25th February 2022
by Arch Deacon Grand Master Rev. Steven A. Chriscole KT